May 18, 2010
Zeze Na Pombejra: Open Letter to CNN International
Dear Sirs/Madams,
Recently, CNN Thailand Correspondents Dan Rivers and Sarah Snider have made me seriously reconsider your agency as a source for reliable and accurate unbiased news. As of this writing, over thousands of CNN’s viewers have already begun to question the accuracy and dependability of its reporting as regards events in Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq, Iran, etc., in addition to Bangkok.
As a first-rate global news agency, CNN has an inherent professional duty to deliver all sides of the truth to the global public who have faithfully and sincerely placed their trust and reliance in you. Your news network, by its longtime transnational presence and extensive reach, has been put in a position of trust and care; CNN’s journalists, reporters, and researchers have a collective responsibility to follow the journalist's code and ethics to deliver and present facts from all facets of the story, not merely one-sided, shallow and sensational half-truths. The magnitude of harm or potential extent of damage that erroneous and fallacious news reporting can cause to (and exacerbate), not only a country’s internal state of affairs, economic well-being, and general international perception, but also the real lives and livelihood of the innocent and voiceless people of that nation, is enormous. CNN should not negligently discard its duty of care to the international populace by reporting single-sided or unverified facts and distorted truths drawn from superficial research, or display/distribute biased images which capture only one side of the actual event.
Mr. Rivers and Ms. Snider have NOT done their best under these life-threatening circumstances because many other foreign correspondents have done better. All of Mr. Rivers and Ms. Sniders' quotes and statements seem to have been solely taken from the anti-government protest leaders or their followers/sympathizers. Yet, all details about the government’s position have come from secondary resources. No direct interviews with government officials have been shown; no interviews or witness statements from ordinary Bangkok residents or civilians unaffiliated with the protesters, particularly those who have been harassed by or suffered at the hands of the protesters, have been circulated.
Why the discrepancy in source of information? Why the failure to report all of the government’s previous numerous attempts to negotiate or invitations for protesters to go home? Why no broadcasts shown of the myriad ways the red protesters have terrorized and harmed innocent civilians by burning their shops, enclosing burning tyres around apartment buildings, shooting glass marbles at civilians from high altitudes, attacking civilians in their cars, and worst of all, obstructing paramedics and ambulances carrying civilians injured by M79 grenade blasts during the Silom incident of April 24, 2010, thereby resulting in the sole civilian casualty? The entire timeline of events that have forced the government to take this difficult stance has been hugely and callously ignored in deference to the red ‘underdogs’.
Mr. Rivers and Ms. Snider’s choice of sensational vocabulary and terminology in every newscast or news report, and choice of images to broadcast, has resulted in law-abiding soldiers and the heavily-pressured Thai government being painted in a negative, harsh, and oppressive light, whereas the genuinely violent and law-breaking arm of the anti-government protesters - who are directly responsible for overt acts of aggression not only against armed soldiers but also against helpless, unarmed civilians and law-abiding apolitical residents of this once blooming metropolis (and whose actions under American law would by now be classified as terrorist activities) – are portrayed as righteous freedom fighters deserving of worldwide sympathy and support. This has mislead the various international Human Rights watchdogs to believe the Thai government are sending trigger-happy soldiers out to ruthlessly murder unarmed civilians without just cause.
As a current resident of "war zone" Bangkok who has experienced the effect of the Red protests first hand and is living in a state of constant terror and anxiety as to whether her family, friends, and home would get bombed or attacked by the hardcore anti-government vigilantes/paramilitary forces - I appeal to CNN's professional integrity to critically investigate and scrutinize the misinformed news reporting of your above-named correspondents. If they are incapable of obtaining genuine, authentic facts from any other source except the Red Protest leaders and red-sympathizing Thai translators or acquaintances, or from fellow non-Thai-speaking journalists who are similarly ignorant of Thai language, culture, history, and society, then perhaps CNN should consider reassigning field correspondents to Thailand.
I implore and urge you to please take serious action to correct or reverse the grave injustice that has been done to the Thai nation, her government, and the majority of law-abiding Thai citizens and expatriate residents by having endorsed and widely circulated poorly researched and misrepresented news coverage of the current ongoing political unrest and escalating violence in Thailand.
Copies of this open letter have also been distributed to other local as well as international news media and social networks for public information. Please feel free to contact me further should you require any additional concrete and reputable evidence in substantiation and corroboration of my complaints and claims stated hereinabove.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Napas Na Pombejra, B.A., LL.B. (Lond.)
Bangkok, Thailand
May 17, 2010
Enclosed herewith for your attention and information some examples of other quality international news bulletins by respectable foreign journalists so you may assess at your leisure the sub-par quality and misleading nature of Mr. Rivers and Ms. Sniders' journalism:
1. New York Times:
2. Fox News/Associated Press:
3. Global Post:
4. NHK:
5. Al Jazeera:
6. Deutsche Welle (English media in Germany):,,5575254,00.html
7. Local English daily newspaper’s chronology of events on Day 3 of “War in Bangkok”:
Youtube Videos, images, articles showing what CNN has failed to circulate:
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6 Tips On Achieving Weight Loss Nirvana
Hello! everybody friends today have an advice for who want to diet come to deposit , be excellent article will want to bring deposit friends who wants to diet go to practice
Here are 6 how-to-lose-weight tips to help you reach fat loss nirvana:
1. Do not eat until you are full at any mealtime. Eat sufficiently just enough to satisfy your hunger. You need to cultivate an idea of when you've consumed "enough" by paying attention to your stomach.
2. Allow for an adequate space in between mealtimes. Let your system complete digesting the food you just consumed at your most recent mealtime before you start filling your stomach again at your next meal. At least 2.5 to three hours is the minimum time you should keep in between meals.
3. Keep a dieting log, recording every single morsel of food or drink which you put into your mouth. This way you will be able to keep an awareness of whether you are having the most appropriate food, and how much you are consuming.
4. Drink a minimum of ten 8-ounce glasses of water on a daily basis.
5. You should consume several small meals each day (anywhere from 4 to 6) rather than two or three bigger meals.
6. Eat a balance of food from all 4 of the main food groups: fruits and veggies, meat, bread, and dairy.
The common principle among each 6 of the aforementioned how to lose weight tips, is to consume healthier foods and being careful of your portion sizes, and keeping yourself accountable for your fat loss by keeping track of what you have. If you are deciding to start a diet but do not have a definite idea for how to lose weight, tips like these above are a good way to start producing results, without having to follow an "actual" diet regimen. Are you interested in losing nine pounds during the next 11 days? There is a unique diet system available known as The Calorie Shifting Diet which can make this possible. The way that the Shifting Calories Diet works is that you alternate the groupings of calories which you partake of, from meal to meal. In other words, you may partake of a balanced spectrum of different food from each of the 4 main food groups. And you may partake of them in unlimited quantity without tracking carbs and calories. The only "catch", if you can call it that, is that you need to sort out the food from every food group and partake of them in unique sets at different times of each day. As an example, you might eat from the bread and meat food groups at one meal, yet at the following meal you could partake of only dairy products, and then the following meal may contain vegetables and dairy at the next. And this pattern is continually rotating, day after day, from one meal to the next. What this essentially accomplishes after all is a phased methodology for induced burning of fat. The human body responds to the lack of one nutrient by tapping into its fat stores. And then you suddenly reintroduce the missing nutrient into your diet by the time the fat burning has already starting occurring. Yet before your body has an opportunity to "recover" and revert back to a "normal" metabolic rate, you will then phase out a different nutrient, and your body will sustain its fat burning mode because it now recognizes the lack of that nutrient. Thus you are inducing a fat burning cycle, not by cutting out one component of your diet such as carbs, but by just undergoing bouts of nutritional deprivation in short bursts, just long enough to trigger fat loss, but not long enough to truly deny you of the crucial nutrients that you need in order to maintain a well-balanced diet.
thank you good article Auther
Here are 6 how-to-lose-weight tips to help you reach fat loss nirvana:
1. Do not eat until you are full at any mealtime. Eat sufficiently just enough to satisfy your hunger. You need to cultivate an idea of when you've consumed "enough" by paying attention to your stomach.
2. Allow for an adequate space in between mealtimes. Let your system complete digesting the food you just consumed at your most recent mealtime before you start filling your stomach again at your next meal. At least 2.5 to three hours is the minimum time you should keep in between meals.
3. Keep a dieting log, recording every single morsel of food or drink which you put into your mouth. This way you will be able to keep an awareness of whether you are having the most appropriate food, and how much you are consuming.
4. Drink a minimum of ten 8-ounce glasses of water on a daily basis.
5. You should consume several small meals each day (anywhere from 4 to 6) rather than two or three bigger meals.
6. Eat a balance of food from all 4 of the main food groups: fruits and veggies, meat, bread, and dairy.
The common principle among each 6 of the aforementioned how to lose weight tips, is to consume healthier foods and being careful of your portion sizes, and keeping yourself accountable for your fat loss by keeping track of what you have. If you are deciding to start a diet but do not have a definite idea for how to lose weight, tips like these above are a good way to start producing results, without having to follow an "actual" diet regimen. Are you interested in losing nine pounds during the next 11 days? There is a unique diet system available known as The Calorie Shifting Diet which can make this possible. The way that the Shifting Calories Diet works is that you alternate the groupings of calories which you partake of, from meal to meal. In other words, you may partake of a balanced spectrum of different food from each of the 4 main food groups. And you may partake of them in unlimited quantity without tracking carbs and calories. The only "catch", if you can call it that, is that you need to sort out the food from every food group and partake of them in unique sets at different times of each day. As an example, you might eat from the bread and meat food groups at one meal, yet at the following meal you could partake of only dairy products, and then the following meal may contain vegetables and dairy at the next. And this pattern is continually rotating, day after day, from one meal to the next. What this essentially accomplishes after all is a phased methodology for induced burning of fat. The human body responds to the lack of one nutrient by tapping into its fat stores. And then you suddenly reintroduce the missing nutrient into your diet by the time the fat burning has already starting occurring. Yet before your body has an opportunity to "recover" and revert back to a "normal" metabolic rate, you will then phase out a different nutrient, and your body will sustain its fat burning mode because it now recognizes the lack of that nutrient. Thus you are inducing a fat burning cycle, not by cutting out one component of your diet such as carbs, but by just undergoing bouts of nutritional deprivation in short bursts, just long enough to trigger fat loss, but not long enough to truly deny you of the crucial nutrients that you need in order to maintain a well-balanced diet.
thank you good article Auther
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