Every Body Want .first -Good job. Second.Good Salary. Third. Good health & Good Life.
Why Fill Your Body With Chemicals When There is a Natural Yeast Infection Cure?
A natural yeast infection cure won’t fill you with chemicals and it will attack the root of the problem, like medication does.
In addition, medication works only for a limited time. It might keep the infection away for some time, but sooner or later, it will come back.
That is also because the Candida fungi, which are the main fungi that cause the infection, develop resistances over time to the medications that are used to fight them. That is why, you will see some results when you use medication, but eventually, the results will decrease as well as the time you go without an infection.
Because of this, you will be forced to take a bigger dose of a medication in order to have the same initial effect. This will not only fill your body with bigger and bigger quantities of chemicals, but it will also give you more and more secondary effects.
The other option is to take a different medication. This medication might not be as effective as the first one or it might be used for treating a different type of yeast infection. If it were the more appropriate one, it would have been given to you in the first place. And with enough time, it will have the same problem as the first one, that is, the fungi will develop resistance against this drug too.
Eventually, you’ll have to find other medications just to keep the infection away for some time, as Candida fungi develop resistance against all medication that is used against them.
Of course, all this shower of chemicals will take a toll on your body too, and it will let you know through several reactions such as rashes, migraine, diarrhea, and in cases of heavy and prolonged medication, ulcers.
And while your health is more precious than money, unless you are wealthy, your finances will also suffer. Doctors and medications aren’t cheap and paying those means that you’ll have to cut back spending in other areas.
If you don’t want to go though all this hassle, you should try a natural yeast infection cure
thank you: Author sabhinav-sidana
The Power of Online Advertising
Today there are many people who are very much interested in doing Home Based Jobs. There are college students who are looking out for earning money during their part-time or Housewives who like to earn money during their spare time or retired people who are on the look out for some additional source of income. In the present phase of economic recession, there are many people losing jobs daily. When they have a family, survival becomes very difficult. In such cases, the affiliate advertising program proves to be quite beneficial. May be initially it would take some time, but will definitely reap fruits in the long run.
Affiliate advertising or online advertising or internet advertising helps to develop powerful brands which in turn help to build a good relationship with Online Customers. Online advertisements direct consumers to the seller’s website through affiliates who promote their products through online marketing. In this way, all of them stand to gain.
Advertising of products can be online mode or offline mode. Online advertising of products can be done through various ways. Having your own website or blog with products would definitely be an advantage. Promoting website, blog promotion, advertising through e-mails without scamming, social bookmarking of sites, writing articles, posting comments on others blog would definitely market or promote products online. There are lots of advantages while promoting products online like you can very well sell your products, you can promote your products by targeting people globally and also you get lots of potential customers. Offline promotion can be done through newspapers, posters, articles or banners.
In this way marketing or advertising of products can be done in a very effective way. Sellers products are marketed, affiliates earn their commission and online consumers get their products. This is one of the easiest ways to earn money or make money on the Internet.
Author: venkateshiyer
thank you for article
Locating Niche Products for Affiliate Marketing !
It is not enough to dream one is financially free. In order to get there we have to start by taking definitive small actions each day towards achieving the desired end. In this case we start by doing the research phase. It is not enough to intellectually think about how we want to get from point A to point B. If we want to be successful , we must 1st look at those who have gone before. To go through trial and error is a complete waste of time and money. So if we find those who are already successful, and choose to study and most of all model those behaviors, habits and methods that empowered/enabled those very successful people , who are no different than us, to reach that promised land of financial freedom. This is the way that others who have gone before have actually completed their dreams of financial freedom and abundance.
There are quite a few people out on the internet making ridiculous sums of money. In order to join that club there are an almost infinite number of ways to get there.
Affiliate Programs:Lets look at a few of the programs to get an Idea of what we're getting into.
The first of these would be a program called "Adwords", created and run by "Google". This program is a huge money maker for a number of Internet Marketing icons.
In getting to know adwords one of the key things to get understood right away is that it costs money to use. Understand that this is a business, and if you want to make the money you have to create an advertising budget. This is an essential ingredient for getting started. Having at least 600.00 to begin would be an optimum beginning. Although , one can swing it on a shoestring of 200.00 for exploring the campaign process.
In getting started, before you have a campaign you have to figure out what kind of product that you want to sell. since we are talking about Affiliate Marketing I will set forth some of the steps necessary. One of the 1st major affilliates to check out is clickbank.com they have a 900 billion dollar internet marketplace going on, and is a very awesome place to start. Register for your account, check out the FAQ and look around the market place. There are a number of different products to buy, or become an affiliate of as well. An affiliate is, a person that sells another persons product for a commission based upon the original products selling price eg. 60 % of the sale.
Choosing a Product:
Now consider that the product that you choose has to meet certain criteria before you think about creating an ad for the product. Go the the pitch page and see how well it is written and compare it to other product pages to see how well it will convert. The term convert means , that once a person lands on the page will they buy the product. In addition, a huge peice of the puzzle is to do some initial research by doing a search on Google to determine how many people are searching for that keyword. A keyword is what people type in the search engine to find out their information . For eg. I'm going to search on model trains, which gives me a number of searches of "2,150,000", on that keyword "model trains". Now here is where this gets interesting, as when we do a search on "model trains tips", we get "846,000" , so what these numbers mean is that you have a large number of seekers looking for model trains and tips and not enough competition to provide for the tips. Supply and demand, here we have the demand outstripping the supply. A very good marketing opportunity here. So when we devide the 2,150,000/846,000=2.54 which we will call the search ratio, the lower the number the better chance of making a profit from that niche.
So we have found a product now, that has a great potential and what would be rightly call a Micro Niche product. We can see by doing the search for ourselves that there is virtually no competition from an adwords viewpoint. You notice on the page that there is no other ads showing to the right of the search results. So essentially if you were to look in clickbank you would see
http://zzzzz.archizen.hop.clickbank.net How To Make Money With Model Trains And Rc Hobbies. Finally! Great News For Anyone Who Is Mad About Model Trains And Rc Hobbies And Wants To Make Money From Them. You Willl Discover Ways To Turn Model Trains And Rc Hobbies Into Automatic Money Making Machines! Anyone Can Do This Even If You Are A Beginner! $/sale: - Future $: - Total $/sale: - %/sale: - %refd: - grav: - http://zzzzz.archizen.hop.clickbank.net view pitch page create hoplink
Now please note that there are no numbers entered for the the above values such as $/sale:- ect., ect.. This usually indicates that the product is getting ready to launch. I you check out the pitch page it is pretty decent and well thought out .
The end result is that we have a product to now create an ad for that has a good chance of making some profit. Now the next thing to do is to see how the keywords look in this as we need to find out which ones would have the most traffic at the most reasonable price. This brings up the term "Cost per Click" which is defined as the amount the advertiser will be charged when the searcher clicks on the keyword in the adwords ad in google.
So now Lets look a a tool to find the keywords applicable. a good place to start with all this is to check out and register for a free trial with http://www.keywordspy.com\">keywordspy.com
We go there and then register and in the search window enter in the site we want to check out for keywords.
Keyword Research:
In addition, another great source to check out the keywords for free is also to use the google keywords tool. You have to login under your new google adwords account, and then to choose the Tools hyperlink from the menu, and there you can submit the idea keyword or if you pick a top ten website showing in the google search results for model trains this can give you an excellent idea which keywords have to be included inside your Google Adwords ad.
Your ad might look like this.Make Money with Rc Trains Earn a living having Fun Learn to Earn Serious Cash www.rc-model-hobby-profits.com
Realize that you will be in a bidding contest with other people trying to make money as well. The bidding is on the keywords. The more popular the keyword the more usually you will have to spend on the CpC (Cost per click). For example , if there are a number of people that have ads you might have to pay at least a minimum of $3.00 as the default bid. Some times you can get by with .25 cents per click. The biggest thing is make sure that you scope it out and insure that the affiliate product you have chosen is one with a really good landing page, that will convert or land a sales from your ad that you put up on Google Adwords. That way you will make a profit. That is why it is so important to look for the "micro niches" that don't have very much competition. That way you can keep your Adwords cost down and your profits high. This way your "Return on Investment" will an exciting , joyous experience. The first time you get your check from Clickbank, it is an occasion for celebration.
Now please note that I have used the product of model train tips for example. this is to illustrate the process. Of course you have to do the ground work brainstorming about the ideal product that you know something about , and in addition something that is in demand now , and also have a hot product that is mentioned in the news perhaps, for instance in "Googles hot trend searches" at any one point in time this gives a person an idea of what millions of people are searching for on the Google search Engine at any one time. You can grab an idea, see if someone is suppling the product for that idea and become an affiliate of this product. Rather than listing all of the affiliates that you can make money from, just do a search on the word "affiliate programs" in Google. You will be amazed at all of the affiliate programs available to you.
Visit us at wingsofreedom.info
Hope this helps ,Best wishes,Robert
Author: Keanu217
thank you for article
The Meaning of Pink Roses: Love and Gratitude
Pink roses are one of the oldest roses known to us and have a rich history that dates back to some of the earliest pieces of visual art. In the Talmud, it is written that pink roses are the only flowers allowed to bloom in Jerusalem; thus, they came to be associated with paradise. Pink roses were the dominant species of wild roses and were the first flowers to evolve into their present-day form. When roses were first cultivated in the 18th century for commercial use, most of them existed in shades of pink – from a pale, almost white to a deep crimson.
With the development of hybridization techniques and the discovery of new rose species, flower growers introduced new shades of pink to the public. At around this time, roses were also imbued with the ability to bloom all throughout the year - a significant development since garden roses only blossomed once a year. As more shades and species evolved, each began to have their own meanings, and the meaning of pink roses became even more refined.
Today, pink roses are known as symbols for love and gratitude. These pink flowers also carry undertones of elegance, grace, sweetness, and poetic romance. Because the pink rose was more prevalent over other garden-variety roses, it became strongly associated with these positive sentiments. Different shades of pink also carry their own meanings. Light pink roses symbolize admiration, gentleness, and can be used to bring messages of sympathy. Fuchsia-toned roses can mean appreciation and gratitude and are traditionally used to express thanks. As a decorative presence in the corner of a room, the aroma, color, and shape of a bouquet of pink roses can make everything look small and shabby in comparison.
Due to the many ways where they can be used to express a wide range of meanings and emotions, pink is the most popular rose color, second only to red. The symbolic importance as well as the delicate appearance and sweet fragrance associated to all roses are traced back to the oldest of flowers – the pink rose. Although much has changed about it throughout history, pink roses have held a consistent, prominent place in the world of flowers. Today, pink roses have a unique position that represents refinement and elegance while communicating admiration and thanks. Any recipient of a bouquet of pink roses will not only be taken aback by their beauty; that person is sure to feel special and loved.
How to Make Your Own Flower ArrangementOn their own, flowers are beautiful and colorful enough to pick up the mood in any room, but just think of how everything will look ten times more incredible if you arrange your flowers cleverly. There are no hard and fast rules to flower arranging, but there are a couple of guidelines and measures you might want to consider if you want to create a striking flower arrangement worth airtime on a Martha Steward episode.
Consider the size and space where you intend to place your arrangement, as well as the shape of your container and the number of flowers you intend to use. For instance, if your flower arrangement will be placed on the dining table, your flower arrangement should be no more than nine inches high; otherwise your guests will have difficult making conversation across the table.
If you want to put your arrangement on a living room side table, a large vase with a spray of flowers will look overcrowded and out of place; use a small vase and lesser flowers instead. You may also want to use green, water-retaining foams for your fresh cut flowers as these absorb water better than the brown foam used for artificial flowers.
To make a visually pleasing arrangement, use flowers in different stages of development, from tiny buds to open blooms. Put the buds and the smallest flowers at the edges and the top of the arrangement, and the full blooms at the middle or in front of the arrangement. The full blooms are the focal point of the design, whereas the buds work as the accent. Flowers in half-bloom can be placed anywhere between the two.
Don’t be afraid to mix and match different colors, shapes, and textures. Generally speaking, there are three shapes of flowers. Line materials are straight leaves like iris leaves and flowers like lilies, and are used to form the outline of your arrangement. Round flowers like open roses, carnations, and daisies usually make the focal point. Intermediate or filler flowers or small foliage are placed between the other flowers and fill in the design.
Finally, forget the rules and let your instincts take over. The great thing about arranging flowers is that it doesn’t take years and years of training to make them look stunning; after all, flowers are already beautiful things on their own. Pay attention and let your eyes be the judge – you don’t need to be an expert to know which flowers look best next to each other.
thank you
Learning Thai in Bangkok

No, we don’t mean for you to master the language in a few short hours. What we are talking about is a little piece of Thailand to take back home after your vacation in the Kingdom. The two most accessible forms of “culture” and the most famous exports of Thailand are Thai Traditional Thai Massage and Thai Fine Cuisine. A few days of lessons introduce you to these fine arts, something you can take back and enjoy many times over. Who knows, it maybe a start of a new and lucrative career back in your home country.
Thai Traditional Massage
This therapeutic and highly soothing form of massage purportedly evolved from rishis (forest-dwelling Brahmin hermit ascetics) who relieved the physical stress of extended periods of meditation by adopting certain postures. Wat Pho is the best known centre for massages and massage tuition. Major hotels also offer Thai massage services.
For more information, call Thai Massage School Tel: 0 2221 3686, 0 2662 3551, 0 2221 2974 or www.watpomassage.com
LEARNING TIME : 9.00 AM To 4.00 PM with Lunch Break at noon
Master the Art of Thai Cuisine at The Thai House Cooking www.thaihouse.co.th
If you enjoy Thai food and would like to spend up to three fun-filled days learning the many secrets of Thai cooking, take advantage of the compact courses offered by The Thai House Cooking School with options of a 1-day, 2-days or 3-day course. These courses are designed for participants with little time but who wish to attain the basic knowledge it takes to create menus for home entertainment or simply to enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal.
In these sessions, discover how to blend fresh herbs and spices using traditional utensils such as the mortar, pestle and the coconut grinder. You’ll also learn about the great variety of fresh vegetables, some of which are picked fresh from the gardens. The cooking classes are held in an outdoor classroom in the midst of an orchard of mango, banana, papaya and coconut trees, and a kitchen garden of fresh herbs and spices used in the recipes. Lessons featuring brief lectures, the preparation of ingredients, hands-on cooking demonstrations and time for discussion and enjoying the fruits of success are conducted in an open air kitchen.
The main topics covered in the course are soups, salads, curry pastes and curried stir-fried dishes, decorative fruit and vegetable carvings and desserts. Upon completion of the 3-day course, you’ll be able to prepare a complete dinner menu of your own. To ensure productive sessions and for all participants to enjoy a positive learning experience, the maximum class size is limited to 10 participants per session.
For the 2 and 3-day courses, an excursion to the traditional open-air market is part of the total learning experience so you’ll also learn how the fresh ingredients are selected.
Thai cooking course are so popular the Thai cuisine enthusiasts can select among a variety of schools offering the course. It is probably best if you choose the one that is closest to your hotel to avoid the hassle of engaging the notorious Bangkok traffic.
contact :
Bai Pai Thai Cooking School (โรงเรียนสอนทำอาหารไทยใบพาย) | Tel: 0 2294 9029 Fax: 0 2294 9027 |
The Thai House (บ้านไทย) | Tel: 0 2903 9611, 0 2997 5161 Fax: 0 2903 9354 www.thaihouse.co.th |
International Baking School (โรงเรียนขนมอบนานาชาติ) (Opposite Chatuchak Weekend Market) Lad Yao, | Tel: 0 2272 5692-3, 0 2272 5663, 0 2272 5654 |
Thai & International Food Academy (โรงเรียนธุรกิจการอาหารไทยและนานาชาติ) 1004 Rama III Rd., Bang Phong Phang, Yannawa, Bkk. | Tel: 0 2682 7644 Fax: 0 2682 8845 |
Suan Dusit International Culinary School (โรงเรียนการอาหารนานาชาติสวนดุสิต) | Tel: 0 2244 5391-3 www.chefschool.dusit.ac.th |
The Modern Woman Institute (แม่บ้านทันสมัย) | Tel: 0 2 279 2831, 279 2834 www.mwthaicook.com |
UFM Baking & Cooking School (โรงเรียนสอนการผลิตอาหารและขนมมาตรฐาน) | Tel: 0 2259 0620-30, 0 2260 5280-300 Fax: 0 2259 0632 www.ufmeducation.com |
Wandee Culinary School (โรงเรียนครัววันดี) | Tel: 0 2279 9844-5, 0 2279 2204, 08 1916 7083 www.wandeethaicooking.com |
A Thai cooking class is also arrange by many hotels including Bangkok Mariott Resort and Spa (โรงแรมแมริออท รีสอร์ท แอนด์ สปา) (Near Krung Thep Bridge) Thon Buri | Tel: 0 2476 0021-2 |
Shangri-la Hotel (โรงแรมแชงกรีล่า) | Tel: 0 2236 7777 Fax: 0 2237 3688 www.shangri-la.com |
Tai Pan (โรงแรมไทปัน) | Tel: 0 2260 9888, 0 2260 9898 ext. 2007 www.taipanhotel.com |
Thai Cooking School at the Oriental Charoen Nakhon Rd., | Tel: 0 2659 9000 ext. Thai cooking school www.mandarinoriental.com |
The Landmark Hotel (โรงแรมแลนมาร์ค) | Tel: 0 2254 0404 Fax: 0 2253 4259 www.landmarkbangkok.com |
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Day Trip in Pattaya 1
A seaside beach city located about 150 km east of Bangkok, Pattaya is one of the not-to-be-missed locations when one visits Thailand. A popular tourist spot for both Thai and foreigners alike, it offers all the conveniences of Bangkok plus all the sand, sea, and sun you can want. Driving from Bangkok takes no more than 2 hours via Motorway ( Highway no.7 ) or Bangna-Trad Highway ( Highway no. 34 ). You can take a leisurely three and a half hour train ride from Hua Lamphong Station, or a two and a half hour bus ride from either Eastern Bus Terminal, or Mochit 2 Bus Terminal, with scheduled departures every half hour from either terminal. Surely the main purpose of going to the beach resort town is the sea, but there are a few places around Pattaya worth exploring.
Sanctuary of Truth (ปราสาทสัจธรรม) This gigantic wooden structure is situated by the sea at Laem Ratchawet, North Pattaya. The sanctuary of Truth was first built in 1981 by Mr. Lek Wiriyaphan, the founder of the Ancient City in Samut Prakan Province. With exquisite architectural features, the building was conceived out of the vision that human civilisation has been achieved and nurtured by religious and philosophical truth. It opens daily from 9.00 a.m.-6.00 p.m. Admission fee is 500 baht. Tel. 0 3836 7229, 0 3836 7815 http://www.sanctuaryoftruth.com/
The Million-Year Stone Park and Crocodile Farm (อุทยานหินล้านปีและฟาร์มจระเข้พัทยา) This popular attraction is 9 kilometres from Pattaya on Chaiyaphonwithi Road., off Highway No.3 at Kms.140. Hundreds of crocodiles as well as some rare animals, including albino bears and horses, are kept. There are crocodile shows, magic performances and animal shows. The compound is open daily from 8.30 a.m.- 6.00 p.m. Admission: 300 baht for adults and 150 baht for children. Tel. 0 3824 9347-9 or http://www.thaistonepark.org/
Mini Siam (เมืองจำลองพัทยา) is located at Km. 143 on Sukhumvit Road., Highway No. 3. It celebrates the heritages of Thailand with miniature replicas of the most famous monuments and historical sites Miniature replicas of the Tower Bridge of London, Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty and Trevi Fountain are also displayed in the section called “miniworld”. The compound is open daily from 7.00 a.m.-10.00 p.m. Admission: 250 baht for adults and 120 baht for children. Tel. 0 3842 1628, 0 3872 6201-3, 0 3872 7333 for more information. http://www.minisiam.com/
Nong Mon Market is the central market one kilometer further on from the entrance to Bangsaen. Here can be found all types of fresh and dried sea food, local sweets and fruits (both fresh and preserved) as well as fruit rattan wares from nearby Amphoe Panat Nikhom.
1 Day trip in Pattaya 2
Who says Pattaya is just all about sand, sea and sun ? If ever you want to take a break from your time on the beach, or taking some time off from your partying, the following sites are only a short drive away from the sea.
HTMS Chakri Naruebet (เรือรบหลวงจักรีนฤเบศร) is an offshore Patrol Helicopter Carrier anchored at the Chuk Samet Deep Seaport. It was constructed in Spain in 1994. It is an 11-storey ship measuring 182 metres in length and 30.5 metres in width. The important missions during wartime are the Flagship of the fleet, controlling and commanding the fleet in the sea, as well as the aircraft carrier and air defence mission. It is open daily from 8.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m. It is closed only on Wednesday from 8.00 a.m.-12.00 a.m. It is free of charge. International visitors will have to write a letter to the Commander of the Royal Thai Fleet, Sattahip, Chon Buri, 20180. Tel. 0 3843 8547-62 ext. HTMS Chakri Naruebet. http://www.navy.mi.th/
Turtle Conservation Center, the Royal Thai Navy is a source of knowledge on the biology of the sea turtle life cycle for the government agencies and other groups of visitors. The center also provides a lecture for the public and youth, video presentation and exhibitions. Visitors can admire the cuteness of the sea turtles in the nursery ponds. Its objective is to create love and the preservation awareness towards Thai sea turtles. The Center is open everyday from 8.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. Please contact in advance at the Air and Coastal Defence Command, Tel. 0 3843 1477ext.1035-6, 0 3824 5760, ext.066-3809 http://www.navy.mi.th/
Wat Yanasangwararam Woramahawihan covers an area of 366 rai. Turn left from Sukhumvit Road, at Km. 160 for 5 kilometres. At the entrance are situated international pavilions presenting each country’s national architectural style around the pond. Within the compound of the temple are the Mondop where a replica of the Buddha’s footprint is enshrined, a large Chedi containing the relics of the Lord Buddha, as well as, his enlightened followers, and Wihan Phra Yanaret. It is open from 8.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m. Tel. 0 3823 7506. Moreover, there is the Royal Project for Agricultural Training Centre and Wildlife Preservation Area.
Anek Kuson Sala (Wihan Sian), near to Wat Yanasangwararam, 800 metres from the intersection at the reservoir, is the place collecting high-class Chinese architecture and fine arts constructed in 1987 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of His Majesty the King’s Birthday. Inside is an exhibition displaying precious antiques such as the large white jade Bodhisattva Kwan Yin’s image, terra-cotta soldiers and horses from the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, an emperor’s golden throne, ancient paintings and pottery. It is open daily from 8.30 a.m.-5.00 p.m. The entrance fee is 50 baht. Tel. 0 3823 8367
The Laser Beam Cast Buddha Image of Khao Chi Chan is located on the same route as Wat Yanasangwararam, 6 kilometres from Km. 160 of Sukhumvit Road., The image is in the subduing Mara posture, cast by laser beams on the Khao Chi Chan cliff. It is a combination of Sukhothai and Lanna arts with a height of 130 metres and width of 70 metres at the lap of the image. Inside the chest of the image resides the Lord Buddha’s relic. Moreover, the garden in the compound is decorated for relaxation and is under the supervision of the Royal Thai Marine Corps, Royal Thai Navy.
thank you article TourismThailand.Org

The country comprises 76 provinces that are further divided into districts, sub-districts and villages. Bangkok is the capital city and centre of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities. It is also the seat of Thailand's revered Royal Family, with His Majesty the King recognised as Head of State, Head of the Armed Forces, Upholder of the Buddhist religion and Upholder of all religions.
Thailand is a constitutional monarchy with His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, or King Rama IX, the ninth king of the Chakri Dynasty, the present king. The King has reigned for more than half a century, making him the longest reigning Thai monarch. Thailand embraces a rich diversity of cultures and traditions. With its proud history, tropical climate and renowned hospitality, the Kingdom is a never-ending source of fascination and pleasure for international visitors.
Area: 513,115 sq. km.
Topography: Thailand is divided into 4 natural regions:
The mountainous North, with its profusion of multi-coloured orchids, fascinating native handicrafts and winter temperatures are sufficiently cool to permit cultivation of temperate fruits such as strawberries and peaches;
The high Northeast Plateau, which still jealously guards its many archaeological and anthropological mysteries;
The Central Plain, one of the world's most fertile rice and fruit-growing areas with colourful traditional culture and way of life as well as the sandy beaches of the East Coast and vibrant cosmopolitan Bangkok;
The peninsular South where the unspoiled beaches and idyllic islands complement economically vital tin mining, rubber cultivation and fishing.
Population: Thais are well-known for their friendliness and hospitality. A large majority of over 62 million citizens of Thailand are ethic Thai, along with strong communities whose ethnic origins lie in China, India and elsewhere. About 7 million people reside in the capital city of Bangkok.
People: Thai (80%), Chinese (10%), Malay (3%), and the rest are minorities (Mons, Khmers, hill tribes) Ethnic Thais form the majority, though the area has historically been a migratory crossroads, and has thus produced a degree of ethnic diversity. Integration is such, however, that culturally and socially there is enormous unity.
Language: Spoken and written Thai is largely incomprehensible to the casual visitor. However, English is widely understood, particularly in Bangkok where it is almost the major commercial language. English and some European Languages are spoken in most hotels, shops and restaurants in major tourist destinations, and Thai-English road and street signs are found nationwide.
See Bangkok, knows Thailand
Next to the Royal Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, there is a vast open ground called Sanam Luang or Thung Phra Men.
If you have a few hours to kill in the afternoon, there are a few places around the Grand Palace that is worth seeing.
Patravadi Theatre (ภัทราวดีเธียเตอร์)
Made-To Order Thailand
Thailand has long attracted outsiders through its exotic allure. What keeps making visitors return are repeated encounters with the genuine Thai values behind that intangible mystique. ‘Thainess’ now forms the heart of the country’s tourism promotion, because unique cultural attractions so enhance a holiday.
As discerning travellers become jaded with mass tourism and artificial attractions, they increasingly seek out more authentic experiences. And they put a premium on social responsibility. Thailand retains its traditions to an unusual extent, and adapts them to suit the occasion with confidence, flexibility and a can-do service mentality. The country also has a host of tourism projects that are sponsored by altruists that enable communities to supplement their income while maintaining their customs and preserving the indigenous environment.
This proactive openness enables visitors not just to observe Thai culture, but to preserve and participate in it. You can join the dance, cook the food, meet the artist, support the school, make the offering, share the lifestyle, or have the experience.
The country keeps in touch with its history. This provides a deep cultural well from which travel operators can draw in tailoring itineraries. They can draft distinguished Thai and international experts to enhance a personalized expedition into things Thai.
The distinct cultures of the north (Lanna), south and northeast (Isaan) become apparent through guides who know the secret places, hidden histories, ethnic traits and regional specialities.
Special moments often come from the frequent surprises that make Thailand so refreshing. But three elements nurture an exceptional experience: customised events, learning a Thai skill, and community contact.
Customised Events Trademark sights and activities take on magical qualities when presented exclusively for you as a bespoke experience. Highly experienced professional event organizers draw on their wealth of expertise — honed through festivals, special events and light-and-sound performances — and can transform a heritage location with quintessentially Thai atmospherics.
Private viewings of old aristocratic mansions, palaces or teak stilt houses can morph into a banquet of royal cuisine. An ensuing performance replicates the original intimate scale of khon and lakhon dance, close enough to see the gilding glimmer, read the gestures, and witness behind-the-scenes vignettes.
You could intersperse such features through multi-day cruises along rivers and canals on vessels like converted rice barges. Dine on deck or at old wooden markets, sleep in teak cabins, and awake on a village waterway (klong) to see monks paddling canoes as they collect their alms. A lattice of backwaters threads through the provinces surrounding Bangkok. On-board advisors can explain the ecology, wildlife and rice culture before you kayak off on side-trips.
Lanna houses, Isaan’s Khmer-style sanctuaries, and Southern beach pavilions can all act as settings for culture-themed parties, whether on an intimate scale or as huge spectacles with a cast of costumed torch-bearers. Such exquisite scenarios are achievable because Thais, too, commission extravaganzas, whether for festivals, launches, parties, charity or ceremonies that mark the seasons or the cycle of life.
What sets custom events apart from regular tourist shows is the detail. Consultation with the cognoscenti who take pride in doing things the right way ensures adherence to accuracy, however fantastical the impression.
Learning with Masters Visitors increasingly seek more than cultural nuances; they want hands-on participation. Across many fields dubbed phumipanya (Thai wisdom) — dance, massage, martial arts, herbalism, cooking, crafts — you can begin to acquire a new skill. The unusual, such as learning to be an elephant handler, or mahout, at a camp may have less application to one’s life than, say, studying meditation from a learned monk.
Core to studying Thai wisdom is the need to find your khru — literally a guru. Masters can tutor individuals or groups, from an overview to a full-on course. Many foreigners study Muay Thai boxing at commercial camps. Only a few get inducted into the ancient regional styles like Muay Chaiya or Muay Khorat that accentuate artistry and strategy.
Just as knowledge of art history enhances a gallery visit, an introduction by a scholar of Buddhist art and architecture transforms temple visits from potential repetition into discoveries in diversity. Similarly, know-how from aficionados of crafts and textiles can turn initiates into avid collectors. Now curators offer fans of contemporary art privileged access to studios and advice on emergent artists.
Hotels like The Peninsula and The Oriental run programmes introducing several traditions, while revelatory cultural courses, such as those offered by Origin, delve deeper into how the arts interlace. Participants glean insights into the underlying themes that make something Thai. For instance, the symbolic patterns (lai Thai) found in costumes, sculpture, murals, garlands, fruit carving, even etiquette.
Few things more impress a host — and put a visitor at ease — than following local etiquette without being clumsy or condescending.
All Thai arts involve wai khru — rituals to honour masters. These rites serve as a cultural bond and a personal grounding.
Nothing bonds Thais more profoundly than food. A vast number of schools teach how to cook Thai, though gastronomic experts McDang (M.L. Sirichalerm Svasti) and Vatcharin Bhumichitr bring acumen to market fare, home cooking and royal cuisine. Culinary tours by international chef Robert Carmack of Globetrotting Gourmet may lodge foodies in smart hotels, but trace regional specialities to their often simple source in street stalls and one-dish cafes.
Moving from urban jungle to genuine jungle, the adventurous can explore Thailand’s remaining wilderness. In national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, including World Heritage sites, you can trek deep into the forest with rangers, ornithologists or environmentalists, and learn how to track big cats or spot gibbons and hornbills.
Community Contact An underlying reason for the interest in indigenous culture is the urge to conserve. Tourism helps perpetuate traditions best when communities have a say and benefit directly. Many custom operators involve villagers, artisans, scholars and non-governmental organisations to enhance what’s most essential.
Homestays, eco-tours and voluntourism often derive from pioneers who care deeply about the social and environmental effects of development. Meeting villagers and contributing to sustainable projects brings awareness of micro-concerns to the new category of conscientious traveller. The 2004 tsunami inspired many visitors to get involved in regeneration projects, like Andaman Discoveries, that started to morph into models of grassroots tourism.
Community development has long been a Thai tourism attraction. Royal projects have created a national network of ‘living museums’ where you can explore initiatives in crafts and agriculture that present a vivid illustration of the principles of ‘sufficiency economy’ advocated by HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej being put into actual practice.
The flipside of identifying Thainess is to detect community links with foreign lands. Just as Americans trace their ancestry in Europe or Africa, the Chinese and Indian diasporas seek out both intriguing hybrids and pockets of unchanged ancient traditions in the Chinatowns and Little Indias of Thailand.
Since the 16th century, openness to international influence has resulted in multicultural fusions and enclaves of descendants from many countries. Ethnic tours can cover food and festivals, arts and architecture, plus contributions by historic figures.
Foreign links often extended into the Siamese court, from Ayutthaya and Lop Buri to Bangkok. Tracking the input of ambassadors, artisans, families and traders becomes a way to view Thai royal history from King Narai to the present Chakri dynasty.
Authentic Experience Perfect moments come when serendipity is made possible by careful attention to authenticity and integrity. You can witness the transcendent result at, say, the culminating party of an Origin program, a courtly banquet at Suan Pakkad Palace, the beach blessing of a donated fishing boat, a boxer’s wai khru rite, or the turning of Mae Fah Luang Foundation into a Lanna tableau, angels serenading in trees, lanterns floating into the sky.
What sets Thainess apart is its flexibility, resourcefulness and flair for the sublime. Customised travel experiences apply — and help maintain — that tradition.
The Mae Fah Luang Art and Cultural ParkGuided by the belief that an essential component of cultural preservation is to conserve the environment in which the art and artefacts were created, the Mae Fah Luang Foundation strives to preserve the atmosphere and natural landscape in which the cultural arts of the ancient northern Thai kingdom, known as Lanna Thai, were nurtured.
Oriental DiscoveriesCrafts and Culture: Journeys Through ThailandCustomized cultural itineraries designed for those with specific interests in crafts, arts and other cultural traditions
Origin ThailandCultural programmes based in Bangkok, including dance by Arpon Ngam troupe, and Chiang Mai, led by Professor Vithi Phanichpant. Integrates performance, martial arts, etiquette, cuisine, flowers and other arts. Origin Thailand works with its travel partner, North by North East.
www .origin-asia.com
North by Northeast Organizes specialty tours designed to facilitate guests in experiencing the ‘Real Thailand’
Arporn-ngam Dance TheatrePeeramon Chomthavat’s troupe performs traditional dance with exquisite, heirloom-standard costuming
Oriental Thai Culture Programme Programmes on Thai ways, beliefs, dance, music, art, architecture and contemporary culture
Patravadi TheatreThai performing arts and dance courses at Patravadi Theatre, Bangkok, Suansilp Baan Din, Ratchburi, or commissioned events
Peninsula AcademyCultural, culinary and lifestyle programmes bangkok.peninsula.com/pbk/information_05.html
Suan Pakkad PalacePalace museum of exquisite teak pavilions that can stage cultural performances and custom events
Chakrabongse VillasBoutique hotel in a riverside palace that can stage custom events
Baan Chang Thai38 Ekamai Soi 10, Bangkok Tel: +66 (0) 2391 3807Preservation centre for traditional arts including puppets and especially Muay Chaiya Southern boxing training with master Krisda Sodprasert
Traditional Thai Small Puppet Theatre (Joe Louis Puppets)Puppet troupe that enchants many occasions through audience interaction
ETHNIC TEXTILESStudio Naenna, Chiang Mai Studio Naenna was founded in 1985 to represent the local weavers in the international market, providing customers with the highest quality and exclusive designs and eco textiles in ikats, silk, and cotton designed by its founder – Patricia Cheesman, many of which are dyed in natural dyes. Studio Naenna supports the Weavers For the Environment and embraces Fair Trade Ethics.
Sop Moei ArtsA non-profit organization with a unique collection of textile and baskets woven by the Pwo Karen in Sop Moei district, Mae Hong Son Province.
Studio Lea The Promenade, Nai Lert Park Hotel, Wireless RoadLady Lea Laarakker Dingjan, founder of Contemporary Arts and Crafts in Thailand, established the Ban Reng Khai village weaving project over 15 years ago. Lea started the weaving project with just a handful of families in Ban Reng Khai. Through the years, she has worked closely with village weavers to modernize their silk designs in order to attract a broader clientele. Ban Reng Khai silk is now sold in Bangkok as well as to loyal clients in France, Italy, the United States, Japan, Germany, and Scandinavia. The weaving project has provided villagers with much-needed income in between rice harvests.
CULINARY TOURS Globetrotting Gourmet Culinary tours across Thailand and Southeast Asia, including Isaan
AGRO-TOURISM Doi Angkhang, Chiang MaiOne of the coldest places in Thailand, Doi Angkhang in Chiang Mai, is renowned as a scenic wonderland of orchards, flowers and forests. Enjoy the chilly beauty of this picture-perfect valley in the mountains 1,400 metres above sea-level.
Accommodation enquiries: Tel: +66 (0) 53 450 110
E-mail: reservations@ankhang.amari.com
Doi Tung Development Project The Doi Tung Development Project under Royal Initiative works to eradicate opium supply, drug use, rural poverty through Sustainable Alternative Development, education, training, humanitarian activities, environment conservation, agriculture, handicrafts, culture preservation, tourism, in Thailand, Golden Triangle
NATURE BASED TOURISM Thai Ecotourism and Adventure Travel Association (TEATA)www.teata.or.th
Wild Thailand Specializes in the community-based tourism and eco-adventure tours www.wildthailand.com
Nature Trails Birdwatching trips can be tailor made with bird illustrator Kamol Komolphalin
PaddleAsiaPaddleAsia specializes in small group sea kayaking, river kayaking and rafting adventure travel tours to remote and unspoiled destinations in Southern Thailand.
Andaman Adventure (NATR)Award-winning sustainable development coastal village tourism evolving from a Tsunami relief project
Asian OasisBespoke tour company specializing in smart accommodation aboard wooden boats and in remote village houses
Lost HorizonsCommunity and conservation-oriented destinations in the south, centre and northern Thailand
Oriental EscapeTour firm offering custom options
Steve Van Beek for Adventurers of Every Stripe Discover an Asia hidden from most eyes. Travel with those who know the region best: indigenous peoples and long-term expatriates who call it home. These trips are about connections, delving into the heart of a culture to discover what makes it tick, carrying away understanding as well as memories.
Track of the Tiger A range of holidays designed to allow individuals to join small groups of people who share the same special interest: photography, golf for beginners, environmental study expeditions (Community service-related), and others.
For additional travel agents/tour operators who specialize in niche products, please contact the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA)
E-mail:info@atta.or.th www.atta.or.th
MAHOUT TRAININGAnantara Golden Triangle
Four Seasons Tented Camp www.fourseasons.com/goldentriangle/the_camp_experience/camp_activities.html
Thailand Elephant Conservation Centre Homestay
ABOUT THE AUTHORPhilip Cornwel-Smith is the author of ‘Very Thai: Everyday Popular Culture’, and editor of the ‘Time Out Bangkok’ guidebook. Born in England and based in Bangkok since 1994, he was founding editor of ‘Bangkok Metro Magazine’, contributes to international publications and is currently writing a book on modern Thai pop culture.
thank you Author:Phillip Cornwel-Smith&
News:Communication and Information Sector's news service
13-05-2008 (Bangkok)

About sixty experts from around 30 countries in the Asia-Pacific region are taking part in a new initiative aimed at equipping government officials with the knowledge and skills they need to fully utilize the potential of ICTs to achieve national development goals.
Information and communications technologies (ICTs)
- from wireless technology to the Internet
- are widely accepted as powerful tools for enhancing human development. With access to ICT, people are able to find the information they need to improve their lives. However, without visionary policy makers and ICT savvy government officials the promise of a better future through the use of ICTs is unlikely to be realized. The initiative, called the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders
- A Modular Training Programme, is undertaken by the United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (UN-APCICT).
The Academy consists of a core ICT for development (ICT4D) curriculum that begins with ICT basics and progresses to more advanced topics. It is targeted primarily at policy makers in central, provincial and local governments; managers in the public sector; and ICT educators at public training institutes.
The first of three sub-regional Training of Trainers Workshops was held 14-19 April 2008 at the Administrative Staff College of India,
Hyderabad. It was followed by a workshop for Western and Central Asian participants from 5-10 May 2008 at UN-APCICT, Incheon, Republic of Korea.
The last workshop for South East Asian participants, will be held between 21-24 May 2008 at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
The workshops aim to solicit feedback from participants on the usefulness and relevance of the eight modules in the Academy prior to its official launch on 16 June, 2008, on the occasion of the UN-APCICT's second anniversary. The modules cover different areas, including the link between ICT and the Millennium Development Goals, ICT policy-making, and ICT project management and funding. In addition, the modules are designed to be delivered over a variety of multimedia platforms (the Internet, CD-ROM, etc.) as well as through classroom training. They are also being developed as open educational resources to make them more readily available to developing countries.
5 Ways to Save Your Relationship
Even though some breakups seem to come out of the blue, it can be just as painful, or even more so, when you and your partner no longer love one another. Is compromising or budging something neither of you will do because your are both equally bull-headed?
If you have that dreaded feeling that a break-up is around the corner, there are several things you can do in order to try to save the relationship.
1. Put an end to the blame game.
The blame often goes to the other partner when the relationship starts to sour. He never pays attention to what I say. She is always so cold towards me. Couldn't he do something nice for me once in a while? I might do more for her if she would just quit nagging me. Blaming the other party only causes defensiveness and does nothing to help the relationship. Begin to accept your partner for who they are instead complaining about who they are not.
2. Lose the neediness.
It is not healthy to always want your partner around to do things. One of the main reasons couples break up is dependency issues. You should understand that personal time away from each other is normal and healthy. If you want to be with your partner all of the time, take the hint -- you need to find some outside interests.
3. Do you communicate?
Communication is the key to a good relationship. When you find that the only way you communicate is through arguments, sarcastic comments, and snide remarks, it's time to stop because you are not communicating, you are merely being demeaning and disrespectful. Why speak to someone you love that way when you would not speak that way to your friends or colleagues?
4. Quit paying mind to false convictions.
Do you imagine negative scenarios related to what your partner is thinking about or doing? Are you listening to those voices in your head that tell you that your partner doesn't care when they do not drop everything the minute you need them? By listening to false beliefs you only poison your view of reality.
5. Do you listen well?
Do you pay attention to and take an interest in your partner's interests? Do you give them a fair chance by listening to their side of any disagreements you have? Sometimes the need to be right causes us to stop listening. When a problem comes up, try to talk in a normal voice and listen to what your partner has to say. You could be missing out on something very important -- and no, you do not always know everything.
There are some relationships that will never change, even if you follow the advice outlined here. If that is the case, then your relationship is really suffering and you probably need some time away from each other. Use this time to achieve clarity about your situation so you can finally make a decision as to what you really want.
thank you Author: Katie Wang articlesbase.com
Holidays (วันหยุดสำคัญไฉน)

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน 2551
วันเสาร์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน 2551
หมายเหตุ : -เสนอราคาขาย 7,800 บาทถ้วน (กรณีพักห้องคู่)-เสนอราคาขาย 9,400 บาทถ้วน (กรณีพักห้องเดี่ยว)-เสนอราคาขาย 6,600 บาทถ้วน (บุคลที่ 3 นอนเตียงเสริม)-เด็กอายุไม่เกิน 4 ปี ไม่เสียค่าใช้จ่าย โดยพักและนั่งรวมกับผู้ปกครอง-กำหนดการนี้อาจเปลี่ยนแปลงได้ตามความเหมาะสม
อัตราค่าบริการนี้(รวม)-ค่ารถบัสปรับอากาศ-ค่าเข้าชมการแสดงงานช้างสุรินทร์-ค่าอาหาร 7 มื้อ และค่าที่พัก 2 คืน ตามที่ระบุในกำหนดการ-ค่าธรรมเนียมสถานที่ท่องเที่ยว/ ค่ามัคคุเทศก์บรรยาย-ค่าประกันอุบัติเหตุการเดินทาง
อัตราค่าบริการนี้(ไม่รวม)-ค่ามินิบาร์ในห้องพัก-ค่าใช้จ่ายส่วนตัวอื่นๆ นอกเหนือจากที่ระบุไว้
การชำระเงิน-ไม่มีการวางมัดจำ-การชำระเงินจะสมบูรณ์ต่อเมื่อมีการชำระเต็มราคาและได้รับการออกใบเสร็จจาก ททท.-ไม่มีการสำรองที่นั่งล่วงหน้า
การยกเลิกรายการนำเที่ยว-การยกเลิกรายการนำเที่ยว ภายใน 10 วัน ก่อนการเดินทาง ททท.จะเก็บค่าใช้จ่าย 50% ของราคาทัวร์-การยกเลิกรายการนำเที่ยว ภายใน 5 วัน ก่อนการเดินทาง ททท.จะไม่คืนค่าบริการทั้งหมด
> ดาวน์โหลดใบสมัคร
ททท. สำนักงานลพบุรี ขอเชิญร่วม “โครงการเที่ยวสนุกสุขใจ ใต้เงาอดีต” ระหว่างวันที่ 18 – 19 ตุลาคม 2551
Holidays are not mentioned in the Bible except under negative circumstances, such as birthday parties where someone was killed. Holidays are also the best time to step away from business, enjoy our families and friends and recharge our batteries. Holidays are often accompanied by public ceremonies, such as parades and carnivals, and by religious observances; they may also be simply a time for relaxation. Holidays are opportunities to share time with the people you love.
Deep down however, when we stop for a moment and reflect as we often do on bank holidays, we all know that Labor Day is, in reality, meant to signify a time to recognize the achievement, struggle and determination of the working man and woman. Like many people, I love the idea of making a large assortment of Christmas cookies during the holidays, but I find it difficult to find the time to get it done. With holidays accounting for about 20 percent of a retailer's annual sales,.
Importance of Thanksgiving is the most important holiday of the year. Create Warm Memories with Holiday Traditions I remember just a handful of the Christmas presents I received as a child: My first Barbie doll with her skinny black sequined gown. The words holiday or vacation have related meanings in different English-speaking countries and continents, but will usually refer to one of the following activities or events: A general leave of absence from a regular occupation for rest or recreation A specific trip or journey for the purposes of recreation / tourism Official or unofficial observances of religious/national/cultural/other significance, often accompanied by celebrations or festivities (public/religious holiday).
Certain religious holidays may be of a more somber nature. When national holidays fall on a normal non-working day, such as a weekend, they will sometimes be carried over to the next working day. Accordingly, holiday companies charge higher prices, giving an incentive for parents to use their work vacation time in term time. Consecutive holidays are a string of holidays taken together without working days in between.
The winter holiday season is known as a period of time surrounding Christmas that was formed in order to embrace all cultural and religious celebration rather than only Christian celebrations. Traditional "holiday season" festivities are usually associated with winter, including snowflakes and wintry songs. Several secular holidays are observed, both internationally, and across multi-country regions, often in conjunction with organizations such as the United Nations.
Business opportunities generally offer their representatives generous savings on their personal purchases so you can shop for yourself and get gifts for others at discount.
Family separations can make the holidays bittersweet when loved ones are not present to share and spend time with each other. Family members and friends are more than likely lending you their ideas as well. Family support can greatly decrease the chances of holiday depression and other related abuses.
Real Holiday Season Holidays and the start of a new year inevitably make us think about how we can improve ourselves, and have the life we want in the future.
Traveling abroad for a vacation was a dream for many who did not have the leisure to pay all the money the vacation would cost. Instead of relaxing and unwinding from a busy year, the pressures of buying gifts, traveling or spending time with long lost relatives makes it a difficult time. Wherever you travel in the world for your angling holiday you will want to travel with a company that has years of experience behind it. Holidays are special for everyone as they offer the people a welcome break from the humdrum of daily life. Holidays are a big part of Free Country, USA, with holidays such as Mother's Day and Flag Day. Thriving Through the Holidays The holidays are upon us; a time of celebration and joy. Vacation or holidays are often used as a time to spend with friends or family. Consecutive holidays are a string of holidays taken together without working days in between. Several holidays are linked to faiths and religions.
Article by: Mark Breck